Physical and hydrodynamic factors affecting erythrocyte adhesion to polymer surfaces

Using a flow cell design which ensures fully developed laminar flow, the influence of various hydrodynamic and physical factors in determining the extent of erythrocyte adhesion to various polymer surfaces has been examined. Specifically we have investigated the effect of exposure time, flow rate, erythrocyte concentration, and substrate surface tension on the extent of erythrocyte adhesion. The results indicate: (1) the extent of erythrocyte adhesion is most extensive on the more hydrophobic surfaces; (2) the rate of adhesion is higher on the more hydrophobic surfaces; (3) saturation coverage occurs after 7–10 min of exposure to the erythrocyte suspension for all substrates examined. No „lag‐time”︁ in the onset of adhesion was observed; (4) The level of saturation depends on the bulk erythrocyte concentration, increasing with increasing cell concentration; (5) the extent of adhesion decreases with an increase in flow rate; and (6) substrate surface defects such as roughness have a major effect on the pattern of erythrocyte adhesion.