Mikrowellenspektrum, Hinderungspotential der internen Rotation und Dipolmoment des para-Fluortoluols

The microwave rotational spectrum of para-fluoro-toluene has been investigated in the region from 7 to 31 kmc/s. The three types of absorption lines to be expected in the case of a molecule of this type, i. e. with a very low sixfold barrier hindering the internal rotation of the methyl group, have been found: m=0, | m | ≠ 0, 3 n, | m | = 3 n. From the lines m=0 the rotational constants and the dipole moment, (1.96 ± 0.02) D, have been deduced; from the lines |m|=3 the internal rotation barrier could be calculated as V6=13.82 cal/mole. This V6 is compared with the values found for similar molecules.

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