Fermi surfaces and electron-phonon mass enhancement factor in Zr-Nb-Mo solid solutions

The Fermi surfaces for two BCC solid solutions in the ZrcNb1-c alloys have been investigated within the KKR CPA framework. The alloy compositions studied correspond to e/a ratios of 4.8 and 4.4 respectively. In this concentration range a change in the Fermi surface topology should be expected on the grounds of anomalies in the experimental elastic constants for such systems. The calculations do not give clear evidence that such a change does indeed occur. In fact the authors find that the influence of the disorder is more pronounced with respect to the Nb-Mo alloys and the claimed transition from the jungle-gym to the superjungle-gym structure involves heavily damped states. It turns out that such a smoothness is also reflected in the computed electronic contribution eta to the electron-phonon mass enhancement factor as a function of the concentration.