PROCUSTE1 Encodes a Cellulose Synthase Required for Normal Cell Elongation Specifically in Roots and Dark-Grown Hypocotyls of Arabidopsis

Mutants at the PROCUSTE1 (PRC1) locus show decreased cell elongation, specifically in roots and dark-grown hypocotyls. Cell elongation defects are correlated with a cellulose deficiency and the presence of gapped walls. Map-based cloning of PRC1 reveals that it encodes a member (CesA6) of the cellulose synthase catalytic subunit family, of which at least nine other members exist in Arabidopsis. Mutations in another family member, RSW1 (CesA1), cause similar cell wall defects in all cell types, including those in hypocotyls and roots, suggesting that cellulose synthesis in these organs requires the coordinated expression of at least two distinct cellulose synthase isoforms.