Multimodal Treatment of Advanced Adult Wilms Tumor

We report 2 cases of advanced adult Wilms tumor that were treated with surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. The first patient had relapse of a Wilms tumor in the liver 2 years after nephrectomy. Combination chemotherapy, consisting of actinomycin D and vincristine, radiation therapy and final resection of the liver metastasis were successful and the patient has been free of disease for 4 years. The second patient had undergone transcatheter embolization of the renal artery elsewhere with the tentative diagnosis of an inoperable renal cell carcinoma metastatic to both lungs. A left renal tumor, weighing 4,500 gm., and a tumor thrombus in the vena cava extending to the right atrium were removed, and histologically diagnosed as a Wilms tumor. Subsequent chemotherapy and radiotherapy resulted in complete disappearance of the lung metastases. We conclude that multimodal treatment, namely a well timed combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, could potentially eradicate the disease even at an advanced stage.