Community screening interview for dementia (CSI ?D?); performance in five disparate study sites

The Community Screening Interview for Dementia (CSI ‘D’) was developed as a screening instrument for dementia for use in cross‐cultural studies. It consists of two components, a cognitive test for non‐literate and literate populations and an informant interview regarding performance in everyday living. The development of the CSI ‘D’, involving harmonization, translation, back translation and pilot testing, for use in five sites is described. The results demonstrate the adaptability and utility of the CSI ‘D’ in populations from very different socioeconomic backgrounds. The inclusion of informant data adds significantly to the performance of the CSI ‘D’ as a dementia screen. The combination of informant and cognitive scores in a discriminant score produces better sensitivity and specificity for dementia than cognitive scores alone. The informant score has a significant independent effect in predicting dementia. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.