Integration of in Vitro Data into Allometric Scaling to Predict Hepatic Metabolic Clearance in Man: Application to 10 Extensively Metabolized Drugs

In this study, we investigated rational and reliable methods of using animal data to predict in humans the clearance of drugs which are mainly eliminated through hepatic metabolism. For 10 extensively metabolized compounds, adjusting the in vivo clearance in the different animal species for the relative rates of metabolism in vitro dramatically improved the predictions of human clearance compared to the approach in which clearance is directly extrapolated using body weight. Using hepatocyte data to normalize the in vivo clearances led to lower median deviations between the observed and predicted clearances in man compared to the approach normalizing data with brain weight (30-40% vs 60-80%, respectively). In addition, the approach integrating in vitro data appeared to be superior with respect to the range of deviations: approximately 2-fold underestimation, in the worst case, was observed by using in vitro data, whereas normalizing data by brain weight led to up to 10-fold underestimation of clearance in man. In addition, the integration of in vitro data provides a more rational basis to predict the metabolic clearance in man and may be applicable to compounds undergoing phase I and phase II metabolism as well.