Release and synthesis of FSH by pituitary glands of female rats in vitro

Anterior hemi-pituitary glands from intact female and ovariectomized (OVX) rats were incubated with or without a maximally effective dose of LHRH. During an 8 h incubation, LHRH-stimulated release of FSH by pituitary glands from intact rats was biphasic: an initial slow rate of release and, from 2-8 h, an enhanced rate of release. Basal release was low up to 4 h, after which a marked increase of the rate of release was measured: from 6-8 h there was no difference between the rates of basal and LHRH-stimulated release. Basal and LHRH-stimulated release of FSH by pituitary glands from OVX rats were high and approximately constant during an 8 h incubation. Both basal and LHRH-stimulated release by glands from intact and OVX rats were protein synthesis dependent. During the incubations as LHRH-independent synthesis of FSH was measured. This synthesis is involved, either directly or indirectly, in increasing the rate of basal release of FSH after 4 h. A comparison of release and synthesis of FSH with those of lutropin reveals characteristic differences.