Utility of the MMPI in a Geriatric Population

Despite the popularity of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality inventory (MMPI), there exists a relative dearth of normative and validity research regarding its use with persons over the age of 60. Our investigation was designed to examine the MMPI performance of both a normal and a clinical sample of older men and women. Specifically, a nonpatient community sample of 204 subjects and an outpatient psychiatric sample of 30 subjects, between the ages of 60 and 90, were administered the MMPI as well as a structured psychiatric interview, the Psychiatric Status Schedule (PSS). Results revealed that, on most of the MMPI scales, the mean scores were well above the norms (i.e., 5-10 t-score points), Through comparisons between the clinical and community subjects as well as between MMPI and PSS performance, the MMPI demonstrated substantial discriminative and concurrent criterion validity within this geriatric sample. The results of the study suggest that, with a few important exceptions, the MMPI, as generally...