–The turbulent flow theory being developed by this author and his co-workers is first reviewed with the hope of elucidating the objectives, concepts, and the premises. Because the concept of a kinetic theory as applied to turbulent flow is relatively new to many engineers, such a review void of the mathematical details is felt to be useful at this point of the development. Then, the new solutions, obtained through construction of the Greens functions, of the plane free shear layer and the structure of the diffusion flame established in the shear layer are discussed. These solutions of the kinetic equations are compared with the previous solutions based on the more approximate bimodal method. It is shown that the general properties of the flame are essentially the same. However, the certain discontinuities in the derivatives of the mean concentration profiles observed earlier are found to be due to the approximate bimodal method of solution of the kinetic equations. These discontinuities are eliminated in the present solution. Future development of the theory and the proposed experimental work are discussed.