SHN female mice, a high mammary tumor strain, are superior to SLN, a low mammary tumor strain, in lactational performance. Mammary gland prolactin receptor and pituitary prolactin secretion during lactation were compared between these strains. The binding activity, the number of receptor sites/mg tissue and the association constant were measured by the in vitro incubation of mammary gland slices with 125I-labeled bovine prolactin, and the pituitary and plasma levels of prolactin were assayed by homologous radioimmunoassay. There was only a slight difference between strains in any of the parameters for prolactin receptor and for prolactin secretion on either day 4 or day 9 of the 1st lactation. Almost all the correlation coefficients between each parameter for prolactin receptor and the pituitary or plasma level of prolactin were not statistically significant. Any parameter for prolactin examined may not always be directly indicative of lactational performance and individual variation in the pituitary prolactin secretion during lactation may not be so great as to alter the prolactin receptor.

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