THE MANY operations published for correction of ptosis fall under three heads, involving utilization of (1) the frontalis muscle, (2) the superior rectus muscle, or (3) the levator palpebrae. When there is complete paralysis of the levator muscle, a resection of this muscle will nearly always give an inadequate result. If the paralysis is bilateral, an operation of the Dickey1 type may be done, attaching the lid to the superior rectus by means of a fascia lata sling.2 This may often give a brilliant result, but a serious disadvantage is the consequent very defective lid closure during sleep and the impaired ability to wink. In addition, in some cases at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, troublesome hyperphoria has resulted. Since the superior rectus is attached to the lid in front of the axis of rotation, some reduction in lateral motion may also occur. In cases of complete