Spectra of the vertical displacement (potential energy) have been observed to be only slightly enhanced at the buoyancy frequency ω = N, whereas spectra of horizontal velocity u, v (kinetic energy) are greatly enhanced at the inertial frequency ω = f (except at equatorial latitudes). Consequently. the former are ignored in certain model spectra, whereas the latter are allowed for explicitly (e.g., by a term (ω2 − f2)−1/2). I have attempted to interpret these observations in terms of the behavior of free wave packets at the turning points. Local resonant generation may also be a factor (Fu, 1980) but is not considered here. In this tutorial N′ = dN/dz and f′ = df/dy ≡ β are taken as constant in order to make the derivation of the solutions near N and f as simple and as parallel as possible; these turning point solutions (in terms of Airy functions) fail in narrow waveguides, e.g., near a sharp buoyancy peak and at equatorial latitudes. The β-plane approximation fails at polar latitudes. Limit func... Abstract Spectra of the vertical displacement (potential energy) have been observed to be only slightly enhanced at the buoyancy frequency ω = N, whereas spectra of horizontal velocity u, v (kinetic energy) are greatly enhanced at the inertial frequency ω = f (except at equatorial latitudes). Consequently. the former are ignored in certain model spectra, whereas the latter are allowed for explicitly (e.g., by a term (ω2 − f2)−1/2). I have attempted to interpret these observations in terms of the behavior of free wave packets at the turning points. Local resonant generation may also be a factor (Fu, 1980) but is not considered here. In this tutorial N′ = dN/dz and f′ = df/dy ≡ β are taken as constant in order to make the derivation of the solutions near N and f as simple and as parallel as possible; these turning point solutions (in terms of Airy functions) fail in narrow waveguides, e.g., near a sharp buoyancy peak and at equatorial latitudes. The β-plane approximation fails at polar latitudes. Limit func...

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