Diagnostics for investigation of magnetic reconnection in sawtooth crash on TFTR

Magnetic reconnection phenomena are documented by a set of noninvasive fast diagnostics during the crash phase of sawtooth oscillations. The electron cyclotron emission diagnostic system provides the highest resolution for measuring time evolution of electron temperature profile during a typical Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor fast sawtooth crash. The x-ray tomography also contains fast time scale information of the electron temperature profile and additionally the impurity concentration. Just before the crash, a shrinking circular hot peak and growing crescent-shaped flat island appear in the inside of the inversion radius on a bird’s-eye view of the electron temperature profile. The electron temperature gradient inside the inversion radius diminishes to nearly zero after the crash. Concomitantly, q(r) profile [q(r)=local safety factor] is measured by the motional stark effect (MSE) diagnostics to verify a magnetic field line reconnection during the sawtooth oscillation. Initial MSE data indicate that central q values increases by 5%–10% during the sawtooth crash phase even when the pressure gradient diminishes inside the q=1 region.