Heritabilities, Genetic Correlations, and Genetic Change for Female Fertility and Protein Yield in Norwegian Dairy Cattle

Data from 1,815,581 first insemination records from daughters of 2697 Norwegian Dairy Cattle (NRF) sires were analyzed. A multitrait model was used to estimate genetic parameters and genetic change for 56-d nonreturn rate in virgin heifers (NR56D0), for 56-d nonreturn rate in first lactation cows (NR56D1L), for interval from calving to first insemination (CFI1L), and for protein yield (PY(305)1L). The heritabilities for NR56D0, NR56D1L, CFI1L, and PY(305)1L were 1.08, 0.99, 3.01, and 20.80%, respectively. Genetic correlation between heifer and cow fertility was high and favorable between NR56D0 and NR56D1L (0.54) and moderate and unfavorable between NR56D0 and CFI1L (0.24). The genetic correlations between NR56D1L and CFI1L and between NR56D0 and PY(305)1L were 0.08 and 0.04, respectively. A small, unfavorable genetic correlation between NR56D1L and PY(305)1L (-0.18) was found, while the genetic correlation between PY(305)1L and CFI1L was strongly unfavorable (0.47). Since 1972, NRF sires have been selected for NR56D0 using breeding values estimated from large progeny groups and with considerable weight in the total merit index. A linear regression analysis of sire PTA on year of first insemination of daughters showed an annual genetic change of 0.14% units for NR56D0. Selection was able to stabilize the genetic change of NR56D1L (0.03%/yr) but an undesirable change for CFI1L (0.11 d/yr) was found. The change of sire PTA for PY(305)1L was 0.63 kg/yr.