E1+M1+ and S1+M1+ from an Analysis of p(e, ep)π0 in the Region of the Δ(1232) Resonance at Q2=3.2 (GeV/c)2

We have analyzed exclusive p(e, ep)π0 data to determine the electromagnetic and scalar transition multipoles in the mass region of the Δ(1232) at the highest Q2 value where data exist. The ratio of the electric quadrupole and the magnetic dipole transition moments is determined to be E1+M1+=0.06±0.02±0.03, and for the scalar quadrupole transition we find S1+M1+=0.07±0.02±0.03. The results rule out that perturbative QCD governs the dynamics of the γvpΔ transition at such Q2. They are more consistent with predictions of relativistic extensions of the nonrelativistic constituent quark model.