In mass-culture of Conchocelis-phase of Porphyra tenera penetrated in oyster shells, there were often observed a disease appearing as organge yellow spots on the shell. Sometimes this disease caused fatal damages to the Conchocelis. After the fixation by Perenyi's solution and staining by haematonylin, methylene blue or methyl violet, the authers could find a many individual of rod shaped bacteria within the Conchocelis-filament. And the present bacteria are found only in the iseased part, but not in healthy part. Besides, the authers could also isolate on agar-plate about nine kinds of bacteria from an oyster shell-piece which were penetrated by diseased Conchocelis-filaments. Among these only one is able to infest into the Conchocelis. It remains still uncertain whether the bacteria found within the diseased filaments is essential or secondary to the present disease.

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