Isolation and characterization of murine cell surface components. I. Purification of milligram quantities of Thy-1.1

The Thy-1.1 molecule was isolated from the BW5147 murine lymphoblastoid cell line. The initial step in purification was the preparation of a crude plasma membrane fraction followed by acetone precipitation. The acetone pellet was solublized using deoxycholate (DOC) and Thy-1.1 was purified by use of a Lens culinaris lectin affinity column and an AcA-34 gel filtration column. The purified glycoprotein with Thy-1.1 activity had a MW of approximately 25,000 daltons. The isolation of this molecule was effected by detecting Thy-1 activity utilizing rabbit anti-mouse brain serum tested on rat thymocytes. Congenic anti-Thy-1.1 serum was ineffective in detecting Thy-1.1 after DOC solublization. An antiserum prepared in rabbits to the purified Thy-1.1 was found to be cytotoxic to mouse and rat thymocytes. The cytotoxic activity of this antisera could be completely absorbed with AKR/Jax brain and thymus but was not absorbed by liver. AKR/Jax thymocytes totally absorbed all cytotoxic activity of the rabbit anti-purified Thy-1 serum for BW5147 cells suggesting that the cell line shares identical specificities with normal thymocytes. The purified Thy-1.1 molecule was able to totally absorb the cytotoxic activity of mouse congenic anti-Thy-1. These studies serve as a model for the isolation of other murine lymphoid cell surface components in quantities for detailed structural and functional analysis.