Utility of Intravenous Immune Globulin in Kidney Transplantation: Efficacy, Safety, and Cost Implications

Intravenous immunoglobulin preparations (IVIG) are known to be effective in the treatment of various autoimmune and inflammatory disorders into their immunomodulatory, immunoregulatory, and anti-inflammatory properties. Recently, IVIG has been utilized in the management of highly sensitized patients awaiting renal transplantation. The mechanisms of suppression of panel reactive antibodies (PRA) in patients awaiting transplantation are currently under investigation and appear to be related to anti-idiotypic antibodies present in IVIG preparations. In this review, the various immunomodulatory mechanisms attributable to IVIG and their efficacy in reducing PRAs will be described. In addition, the use of IVIG in solid organ transplant recipients will be reviewed. The adverse events, safety considerations, and economic impact of IVIG protocols for patients awaiting solid organ transplantation will be discussed.