To determine which sequences or structures in the poliovirus 5' noncoding region (5'NCR) are involved in binding proteins used for internal ribosome binding and protein synthesis initiation, translation competition assays were performed in rabbit reticulocyte lysates in the presence and absence of HeLa cell extract. The results revealed two functional domains in the poliovirus 5'NCR. One, requiring nucleotides (nts) 457 to 626, binds proteins that are required for translation of all mRNAs and that are present in both reticulocyte lysates and HeLa cell extracts. Another, contained within nts 286 to 456, interacts with proteins that are specific for poliovirus translation and are present in HeLa cells but not in significant amounts in rabbit reticulocyte lysates. In order to detect HeLa cell proteins that interact stably with the 5'NCR of poliovirus, UV cross-linking was used. At least four major protein-RNA complexes were identified, three of which were shown by RNA competition analysis to bind specifically to defined domains within the 5'NCR. Protein A (54 kDa) cross-linked to RNA sequences and/or structures located between nts 457 and 626; proteins B (48 kDa) and C (38 kDa) bound to nts 286 to 456.