Organization of a midline proliferative cluster in the embryonic brain of the grasshopper

We have studied a group of midline cells in the embryonic brain of the grasshopper by using immunocytochemical and intracellular dye injection techniques. This cluster of midline cells differentiates between the pars intercerebralis lobes of the protocerebrum during early embryogenesis, and is composed of putative midline progenitors as well as neuronal and glial cells. Annulin immunoreactive glial processes surround the borders of the midline cell cluster and also form a network of processes extending from there to the borders of proliferative clusters in the brain hemispheres. Among the cells that derive from the midline cluster are two bilaterally symmetrical pairs of identified primary commissure pioneer neurons. By navigating along the glial bound borders of the midline proliferative cluster, the axons of these pioneers establish an initial axonal bridge across the brain midline. This analysis identifies a glial-bound midline proliferative cluster in the brain and shows that neuronal and glial cells of this cluster are closely associated with neurons pioneering the primary brain commissure. Comparable features of midline cells in the ventral ganglia and similarities to other proliferative clusters in the brain hemispheres are discussed.