Laboratory Blood Feeding of Culicoides Mississippiensis (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) through a Reinforced Silicone Membrane12

The preparation and use of a durable silicone membrane for feeding Culicoides mississippiensis in the laboratory are described. Defibrinated bovine blood with no additives and blood that contained 0.3% sodium citrate were each used successfully in the membrane feeding apparatus, providing a mean feeding percentage of ca. 78%. No significant differences ( P > 0.05) were noted in mean number of eggs matured (40 ± 11; 35 ± 12; 37 ± 13) or in the percentage of egg hatch (72 ± 5%; 61 ± 13%; 68 ± 6%) among females fed, respectively, on a human host, defribrinated bovine blood, and citrated bovine blood.