Measurement of Mozzarella Cheese Melting Properties by Helical Viscometry

A method for measuring Mozzarella cheese melting properties by helical viscometry was developed and evaluated. Test apparatus consisted of a digital Brookfield viscometer mouted on a helipath stand and coupled to a strip chart recorder. The viscometer t-bar spindle was positioned near the bottom of a column of grated cheese and the cheese was melted at C under controlled conditions. Resistance exerted by the melted cheese on the rotating spindle as it was raised through the melted cheese column was recorded continuously by strip chart recorder. Recorder output gave a resistance profile of apparent viscosity in the form of a peak. Apparent viscosity profile was characteristic in both shape and size for a particular cheese, but different cheeses gave different profiles depending on melting properties. Maximum peak height correlated with the capacity of melted cheese to form fibrous strands and the rigidity of those strands. Duplicate determinations of maximum profile peak height for 46 commercial Mozzarella cheese differed by an average of 9.4 .+-. 4.6%.