The occurrence of chemolitho-autotrophic nitrifiers in water-saturated grassland soils

Relatively high most probable number (MPN) counts of chemolithotrophic nitrite oxidizers were present in water-saturated soils compared with MPNs and activity of ammonia oxidizers. These high numbers of nitrite oxidizers were confirmed by fluorescent antibody counts and potential activity measurements. Application of different nitrite concentrations in the MPN procedure discriminated within the community of nitrite oxidizers and revealed a large number of nitrite-sensitive nitrite oxidizers and a subcommunity of nitrite-insensitive nitrite oxidizers. The size of this subcommunity was small but corresponded with the low numbers of ammonium oxidizers. Numbers of nitrite-sensitive nitrite oxidizers outnumbered the ammonia oxidizing bacteria by 2–4 orders of magnitude in these soils. The possibility is discussed that the fraction of the nitrite-insensitive cells was active as aerobic nitrite oxidizers, whereas the nitrite-sensitive cells represented an inactive group of nitrite oxidizers growing as heterotrophs or as anaerobes reducing nitrite. In this situation, both MPN enumerations at a low nitrite concentration and activity measurements could give false information about the size of the in situ nitrite-oxidizing community.