The problem of the interpretation of band-structure from combination relations; ambiguities and criteria for overcoming them. In the analysis of band spectra, it may often be assumed that each observed frequency is due to a combination of terms whose rotational energy parts are of the form F(j)=Bm2+=B(j2σ2ρ)2+ (Kratzer-Kramers and Pauli term); here j is the quantum number corresponding to the total angular momentum, mh2π is the nuclear angular momentum, εh2π and σh2π are electronic angular momentum components parallel and perpendicular to m, σ being also parallel to the internuclear axis. In the empirical analysis of band-structure in accordance with the combination principle, only differences such as Δ1F(j)=F(j+1)F(j) and Δ2F(j)=F(j+1)F(j1) can be obtained. If derived from terms of the Kratzer-Kramers and Pauli type, these are (after expanding to remove the radical) of the forms Δ1F(j)=2B(T+12)Bρσ2j(j+1)+ and Δ2F(j)=4BT2Bρσ2(j21)+, where T=jρ is defined as the apparent or effective rotational quantum number. Similarly, the most general expression (after expansion to remove the radical) for any band-branch is of the form ν=A+B(ΔT)2+2BTΔT+(BB)T2+f(j)+; primes here refer to the more excited, double primes to the less excited state; ΔT=TT; f(j)=(ρσ2j2ρσ2j2). P-form, Q-form, and R-form branches are defined as branches for which f(j) is zero and ΔT has the respective values -1, 0 and +1; these are of the forms assumed by P, Q, and R branches (Δj=1, 0, +1) for the (usual) special case ΔT=Δj. In case ρ and σ are simultaneously present and large enough so that the small ρσ2 term is experimentally detectable, the values of j, ρ, and σ can be determined directly if sufficiently accurate measurements are feasible. But in the usual case that one (or both) of the quantities ρ and σ are zero or nearly so, it is evidently impossible to determine j, ρ, and σ without the aid of additional information or assumptions, since the ΔF's and the forms of the branches are now functions of T and T alone; in such cases it has ordinarily been tacitly assumed in the past, very often erroneously according to the present work, that σ=0. Criteria are discussed for overcoming these ambiguities of interpretation. These are (a) the presence or absence of Q branches (b) especially valuable, the absence of particular lines ("missing lines") near the band-origin, and finally (c) the postulates stated below.

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