Electron microscopic cytochemical localization of?-hydroxyacid oxidase in rat kidney cortex

The substrate specificity ofα-hydroxyacid oxidase in the rat kidney has been investigated cytochemically by the cerium technique and biochemically with a luminometric assay applied to isolated renal peroxisomes. Rat kidneys were fixed by perfusion via the abdominal aorta with a low concentration (0.25%) of glutaraldehyde. Vibratome sections were incubated for 60 min at 37°C in a medium containing 3 mM CeCl3, 100 mM NaN3 and 5 mM of anα-hydroxyacid in 0.1M Pipes or 0.1M Tris-maleate buffer both adjusted to pH 7.8. Ten aliphatic α-hydroxyacids with chain lengths between 2 and 8 carbon atoms and two aromatic substrates were tested. The α-hydroxyacid oxidase in the kidney exhibited a markedly different substrate specificity than the corresponding enzyme in the liver. Thus glycolate gave a negative reaction while two aromatic substrates, mandelic acid and phenyllactic acid, stained prommently. With aliphatic substrates a stronger reaction was obtained in Pipes than in theTris-maleate buffered incubation media. The best reaction in the kidney was obtained with hydroxybutyric acid. These cytochemical findings were confirmed by the luminometric determination of the oxidase activity in isolated purified peroxisome fractions. By electron microscopy the electron dense reaction product of cerium perhydroxide was found in the matrix of peroxisomes in the proximal tubules. The intensity of reaction varied markedly in neighbouring epithelial cells but also in different peroxisomes within the same cell. Thus heavily stained particles were seen next to lightly reacted ones. These observations establish the substrate specificity of α-hydroxyacid oxidase in the rat kidney and demonstrate the marked heterogeneity in the staining of renal peroxisomes for this enzyme.