Platelet Function in Platelet Concentrates and in Whole Blood

Platelet function was studied in CPD whole blood stored at 4°C for one and three days and in platelet concentrates stored at room temperature for the same periods of time. Comparisons were made of platelet shape, nucleotide content, β-thromboglobulin (βTG) liberated during storage, and platelet aggregation in response to ADP, collagen, sodium arachidonate and ristocetin. It was found that in whole blood the shape of the platelets was less discoid than in platelet concentrates. However, platelet aggregation in response to ADP, collagen, and sodium arachidonate was preserved better in whole blood than in platelet concentrates. Platelet nucleotides were the same in whole blood as in platelet concentrates, but the plasma levels of βTG were less in whole blood. The results show that as judged by aggregation, βTG release and nucleotide content, platelets from whole blood were at least as functional as those from platelet concentrates. However, platelets from whole blood had lost their discoid shape, which suggests that they would have a short survival in the circulation.