A 2-year study was conducted to investigate two aspects of the local distribution of the rufous harewallaby, Lagorchestes hirsutus, in a region of the Tanami Desert. These were: (a) patterns of habitat use in response to changing environmental conditions and (b) environmental parameters influencing 'local' choice of habitat. Counts of faecal pellets and tracks were used to obtain indices of hare-wallaby activity within occupied sites and to gain an insight into the movements by individuals. Local choice of habitat was analysed by assessment of numerous habitat features at occupied and unoccupied sites in the region. Previous surveys over the greater part of the study area provide evidence of a significant local decline and local contraction of range by L. hirsutus during recent times. Hare-wallabies showed seasonal trends in the relative use of different vegetation systems in response to the relative availability of food items within each habitat. The home ranges of hare-wallabies consisted of two distinct areas of activity: a large sparsely used area within the dense Triodia pungens vegetation and a small concentrated feeding area within the neighbouring caliche system. Hare-wallabies were dependent upon a specialised form of spinifex habitat. Patchiness, hummock size, food diversity and the degree of floral senescence affected suitability for hare-wallabies. Within the Tanami Desert site, suitable combinations of these characters were associated with tight mosaics of different regenerative stages after fire. Fire is therefore clearly implicated as an important force in creating a greater diversity of feeding and sheltering habitats for the hare-wallabies in the otherwise uniform spinifex sandplains. There is an obvious role for the application of controlled burns as a means of managing habitats to favour L. hirsutus in the Tanami Desert.

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