Kinetics of ordering in the order-disorder phase transition ofAlCl3-intercalated graphite studied using ESR

Conduction-carrier spin-resonance experiments allowed us to study with some detail the kinetics of ordering in a quasi-two-dimensional ‘‘order-disorder’’ phase transition observed at Tc=170 K in stage-7 AlCl3-intercalated graphite. After quenching from the disordered phase (T≫Tc) the time broadening of the linewidth reveals a scaling behavior (∼tn), which we attribute to the time growing of the average linear domain size of a weakly incommensurate superlattice. The best fit of the experimental data gives n=0.42±0.06 which corresponds to slow domain growth of highly degenerate Q-state Potts systems. Evidence for more sluggish kinetics is observed after an elapsed time of approximately 40 minutes, and at lower temperatures evidence of a glass like state is also observed.