31P-nuclear magnetic resonance was applied to living muscles of bullfrogs, and the time courses of metabolic changes of ATP, creatine phosphate, inorganic phosphate, and sugar phosphates were studied under anaerobic and aerobic conditions. A decrease in creatine phosphate was observed in the resting muscle under anaerobic conditions with a concomitant decrease in the intracellular pH, while the ATP level remained constant. With the use of 2,4-dinitro-1-fluorobenzene and iodoacetic acid, ATP disappeared quickly. When the resting muscle was perfused with oxygen-saturated glucose-Ringer's solution, the amount of creatine phosphate increased gradually. These findings indicate that anaerobic glycolysis is insufficient for even the resting energy consumption whereas oxidative phosphorylation is sufficient. The effects of tetanic stimulation on living muscles were also studied. When glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation were suppressed, the intracellular energy store was depleted by the tetanic contraction. Anaerobic glycolysis produced rapid recovery of the energy store level, although it was insufficient to reach the initial level. Aerobic oxidative phosphorylation produced sufficient energy to reach the initial level, and this level was never exceeded. This finding suggests the existence of a regulatory mechanism for the energy store level.