Angular and energy distributions ofNa24fragments formed by the reaction of 11.5-GeV protons withAu197

The angular distribution and the range distributions at three angles have been measured for the light nuclear fragment Na24 formed by the interaction of 11.5-GeV protons with Au197. The angular distribution has a peak at a laboratory angle θL=70° and is thus quite different from the forward-peaked angular distribution previously observed for Na24 at a bombarding energy of 2.9 GeV. The velocity distributions derived from the range distributions are relatively narrow, and the mean velocity decreases from 2.11 (MeV/A)½ at θL=30° to 1.86 (MeV/A)½ at 156.5°. The data are analyzed in terms of the two-step model of nuclear reactions and are found to be consistent with that model. The model parameters derived from this analysis are v=0.14 (MeV/A)½ and V=2.00 (MeV/A)½.The angular distribution in the frame moving with the velocity v is found to be symmetric about 90°, with an intensity ratio I(90°)I(0°)=1.43. The implications of this analysis for the reaction mechanism are discussed.