Aphelinid parasitoids have an outstanding record of success in programmes of classical biocontrol against whiteflies and scale insects. Heteronomous hyperparasitoids are aphelinids in which the sexes develop on or in different hosts. The female always develops as a primary endoparasitoid of Homoptera. The male develops as a secondary parasitoid hyperparasitoid of his own or another species of homopteran endoparasitoid. Caged experiments were performed with the cabbage whitefly, Aleyrodes proletella, to examine the invasion of a population of a conventional parasitoid, Encarsia inaron both sexes primary endoparasitoids by a heteronomous hyperparasitoid, E. tricolor. In all cages the heteronomous hyperparasitoid successfully invaded an established population of the conventional parasitoid and the conventional species population declined to very low levels within 8 weeks of the introduction of the heteronomous hyperparasitoid. The patterns of invasion were different in each cage. In two cages, high levels of male production by E. tricolor were observed, indicating that hyperparasitism of the conventional species was probably an important factor in causing the decline in the E. inaron population. In a reciprocal experiment in which E. inaron was introduced to an established population of E. tricolor the conventional species failed to invade or persist. A survey of published references to complexes of parasitoids containing a heteronomous hyperparasitoid and one or more conventional species indicated that, in the majority of cases, the heteronomous hyperparasitoid was the most important species in the complex. There are clear implications for the use of these parasitoids in programmes of classical biocontrol. This is because high competitive ability against other parasitoids is not necessarily a good indicator of the ability of a species to maintain high levels of pest control, especially when hyperparasitic behaviour is involved.