Critical Parameters for Obtaining Low Particle Densities on a Si Surface in an HF-Last Process

A study was made on the relation between particle densities and the (remaining) degree of oxidation of a cleaned (100) Si surface following different HF-treatments (HF, HF/IPA, DI-rinse). A detailed comparison between (X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy) XPS and contact angle measurements of a water droplet with the Si surface shows that the latter method is sensitive to less than 1/10 of a SiO2 monolayer on the (100)Si surface. The results obtained with XPS point out that minute amounts of suboxides (a few percentage of a monolayer) are the dominant cause for particles. On the other hand, HF-dipping time and HF bath temperature are found to be the determinant parameters in an HF-last process. In addition the quality of the rinsing water as well as the initial roughness (Si vs polysilicon) play a major role.