Le niveau de satisfaction des cas d'abandon dans un service universitaire de psychologie.

The purpose of this study was to compare the satisfaction level of drop-out cases and completers in a university psychology clinic. We also investigated the reasons given for dropping out of treatment and the subsequent help-seeking behaviour of these patients. The sample consisted of 43 drop-out cases and a comparison group of 15 patients who remained in treatment for 20 sessions. The drop-out cases were divided into three groups: spontaneous dropouts (n = 15), early drop-outs (n = 15), and late drop-outs (n = 13). The results indicated a significant difference between the satisfaction level of drop-out cases and completers. It was also found that the reasons given for quitting treatment were mostly related to the amount of help received and unconfirmed expectancies. These findings are discussed, as are methodological issues raised by this study.