We consider essentially the two-band Hubbard-type model of a nonmagnetic semiconductor studied recently by Falicov and Kimball (FK), but we allow the bandwidth Δv of the valence band to be nonzero and the Coulomb repulsion U11 between holes to be noninfinite. FK treated this model in an approximation based to some extent on the free-energy variational principle, and they used one-electron wave functions which are localized (Wannier) functions for the valence band, and extended (Bloch) functions for the conductior band. This problem is formulated within the framework of the recently introduced thermal single-determinant approximation. The limit U11, Δv0 then provides a strictly variational derivation of the FK results. We then show that for Δv0, U11<, and temperature sufficiently small (T<T0), a lower free energy is obtained when valence-band Bloch functions are substituted for the Wannier functions. That T0 can be appreciable even when U11Δv1 and the possibility of a transition to the localized picture at T0 are pointed out. It is shown that magnetic inelastic neutron scattering (arising from the magnetic dipolar interaction between neutrons and electrons) and distinguish, at least in principle, between the extended and the localized pictures. The fact that band gaps occur in the thermal-neutron range for interesting materials is noted.