Configurational entropy approach to the kinetics of glasses

A kinetic theory of glasses is developed using equilibrium theory as a foundation. After establishing basic criteria for glass formation and the capability of the equilibrium entropy theory to describe the equilibrium aspects of glass formation, a minimal model for the glass kinetics is proposed. Our kinetic model is based on a trapping description of particle motion in which escapes from deep wells provide the rate-determining steps for motion. The formula derived for the zero frequency viscosity η (0,T) is log η (0,T) = B - AF(T)kT where F is the free energy and T the temperature. Contrast this to the Vogel-Fulcher law log η (0,T) = B + A/(T - Tc). A notable feature of our description is that even though the location of the equilibrium second-order transition in temperature-pressure space is given by the break in the entropy or volume curves the viscosity and its derivative are continuous through the transition. The new expression for η (0,T) has no singularity at a critical temperature Tc as in the Vogel-Fulcher law and the behavior reduces to the Arrhenius form in the glass region. Our formula for η (0,T) is discussed in the context of the concepts of strong and fragile glasses, and the experimentally observed connection of specific heat to relaxation response in a homologous series of polydimethylsiloxane is explained. The frequency and temperature dependencies of the complex viscosity η (ω< T), the diffusion coefficient D(ω< T), and the dielectric response ε (ω< T) are also obtained for our kinetic model and found to be consistent with stretched exponential behavior.