Radiotherapy and combination chemotherapy in advanced Ewing's sarcoma–Intergroup study

Forty‐four patients with metastatic (36 patients) and advanced regional (eight patients) Ewing's sarcoma were treated on a protocol employing intensive combination chemotherapy and radiotherapy to all sites of overt disease (primary site and metastatic sites). Thirty‐one patients achieved a complete remission, eight achieved a partial remission, and five patients did not respond to treatment. Of the 31 patients who achieved a complete remission (12 had metastases and six had regional spread), 18 remained disease‐free with a median follow‐up of 34 months, while recurrences occurred in nine patients. Four patients died of complications of treatment. Although late relapses can still be expected, it appears that intensive multimodal management in metastatic Ewing's sarcoma can produce prolonged disease‐free survival and possibly cure in a significant percentage of patients.