A method for locating specific stages of amelogenesis on continuously erupting incisors was devised for rats weighing 101 ± 5 g (n = 32). The technique is based on reflecting reference lines from the mandibular molars as perpendiculars to the labial surface of mandibular incisors. From these reference lines additional measurements are then made along the midline of the labial surface of the incisor in an apical or incisal direction of find the site desired for sampling. Histological studies on 24 decalcified incisors split into segments by using such reference lines and reconstructed by morphometry indicated that a reference line reflected from the contact point between the 2nd and 3rd molars crossed the enamel organ and adjacent enamel at 3,181 ± 329 μm incisal to the start of the secretory zone of amelogenesis. A reference line from the 2nd and 1st molars crossed the enamel organ and enamel at 1,238 ± 424 μm incisal to the start of the maturation zone of amelogenesis, while a reference line from the mesial side of the 1st molar crossed the enamel organ and enamel almost exactly where the enamel becomes completely soluble following prolonged decalcification in EDTA. Although reference lines were reproducible within a group of male rats having similar body weights, the linear distance between the apical end of the incisor and the point at which they crossed the tooth increased at a rate of 1 mm per 159 g for rats between 50 and 300 g body weight. This suggests that molars do not maintain a fixed relationship to incisors over time, and extreme care must be taken to standardize an experiment to a specific body weight when using this method.