Only seven species of freshwater Nematomorpha (Gordiida) are known from Australia, four of which belong to the genus Chordodes. This paper describes two new species: C. queenslandi and C. brevipilus. Chordodes queenslandi is characterized by a polymorphism of crowned areoles which appear as two types with distinct distribution patterns. Chordodes brevipilus is characterized by crowned areoles with very short apical filaments. One specimen previously determined as C. modiglianii (Camerano, 1892) belongs to C. queenslandi. Chordodes jandae Camerano, 1895 is redescribed according to the terminology introduced for C. queenslandi and C. brevipilus. Two further species, C. annulatus Linstow, 1906 and C. undulatus Linstow, 1906 do not belong to Chordodes. The newly reported specimens were collected emerging from praying mantids in the vicinity of water and escaped by contact of the host's abdomen with water. The active movement of mantids towards water suggests an internal stimulus of the nematomorph parasite to its host.