Local Mechanisms in Vestibular Receptor Control:Effects of Curare on the EPSPs and Spike Discharge Recorded from Single Afferent Fibres of the Posterior Canal Nerve of the Frog

In the frog, the afferent discharge of EPSPs and spikes has been recorded intracellularly from single fibres of the posterior ampullar nerve before and after administration of D-tubocurarine (5×10−6 M) in the following experimental conditions: (a) in animals in which the labyrinth was merely exposed (intact frogs), (b) in isolated acute labyrinth preparations, (c) in isolated chronic labyrinth preparations after degeneration of the efferent fibres. In both (a) and (c). curare induced either facilitation or inhibition of the resting discharge in a large number of units. By contrast, after degeneration of the efferent fibres, the effects of the drug were almost completely suppressed. These results indicate the existence of peripheral mechanisms involving the efferent nerve terminals which can control the release of afferent transmitter even in the absence of any central influence.