The Bacteriostatic Action of Benzoic and Salicylic Acids. III. The Effect on Pyruvate and Acetate Oxidation by Different Organisms.

Both inhibitors blocked pyruvate oxidation at the acetate level in washed cells of Proteus vulgaris and Escherichia coli harvested from a medium containing amino acids and additional carbon sources. A similar but less marked effect was observed with cells pre-grown without added amino acids, but not with cells cultivated in a medium with acetate as the sole carbon source. Benzoic and salicylic acids did not produce a corresponding effect on pyruvate oxidation by Pseudomonas fluorescens or baker''s yeast in a similar investigation with these organisms. In the presence of benzoic acid washed cells of P. fluorescens oxidized acetate completely to CO2 and H2O, if the cells were pre-grown in a medium with acetate as the sole carbon source. The experiments with baker''s yeast were performed at 3 different pH-values and included an investigation of the influence of benzoic and salicylic acids on growth and on endogenous respiration. All effects could be ascribed solely to the undissociated moelcules of the acids. With both inhibitors there was close correspondence between inhibition of acetate oxidation and inhibition of growth at all pH-values.

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