Summary. The selective action of triazine herbicides for control of wild canarygrass (Phalaris spp.) in wheat was studied in four field experiments. Canarygrass was controlled by pre‐ and post‐emergence applications of methoprotryne and terbutryne. The phytotoxicity of methoprotryne to wheat was higher than that of terbutryne. Addition of small amounts of simazine to either one of the methylthiotriazines considerably increased damage to wheat. The most resistant stage of wheat after emergence was that of spike initiation, whereas the most sensitive stage was that of earing. Increase of yield as a result of control of canarygrass was higher in semi‐dwarf wheat than in normal‐height cultivars. Application of 625 g/ha of terbutryne to a semi‐dwarf cultivar pre‐ and post‐emergence increased grain yield by 56% and 29%, respectively. Action selective des triazines pour la lutte contre les Phalaris dans le blé

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