Demographic studies on Indians from Santa Catarina, Brazil

The Indian populations of the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil, are found in two places, Duque de Caxias and Xapecó. In the former live Aweikoma (possibly a Caingang subgroup), Caingang and Guarani; in the latter, Caingang and Guarani. The Aweikoma intercross freely with the Caingang, and the Aweikoma/Caingang group thus formed can be compared with the Caingang of Xapecó. The Guarani, on the other hand, are reproductively isolated from both populations. The Aweikoma/Caingang of Duque de Caxias and the Caingang of Xapecó differ from each other in characteristics related to racial composition (degree and amount of non-Indian genes), gene flow, average age of mothers and frequency of stillbirths. On the other hand, they show similarities in a series of demographic variables related to fertility, mortality and inbreeding levels. The index of total selection intensity is practically the same in the two localities.