Roles for Class III HD-Zip and KANADI Genes in Arabidopsis Root Development

Meristems within the plant body differ in their structure and the patterns and identities of organs they produce. Despite these differences, it is becoming apparent that shoot and root apical and vascular meristems share significant gene expression patterns. Class III HD-Zip genes are required for the formation of a functional shoot apical meristem. In addition, Class III HD-Zip and KANADI genes function in patterning lateral organs and vascular bundles produced from the shoot apical and vascular meristems, respectively. We utilize both gain- and loss-of-function mutants and gene expression patterns to analyze the function of Class III HD-Zip and KANADI genes in Arabidopsis roots. Here we show that both Class III HD-Zip and KANADI genes play roles in the ontogeny of lateral roots and suggest that Class III HD-Zip gene activity is required for meristematic activity in the pericycle analogous to its requirement in the shoot apical meristem.