The attachment of polyuridylic acid to reticulocyte ribosomes was studied by using polyadenylic acid, which inhibits the attachment reaction only, while permitting translation of polyuridylic acid bound to ribosomes. After addition of polyadenylic acid the amount of polyphenylalanine synthesized under standard conditions was taken as a measure of the bound polyuridylic acid. In this way certain parameters of the attachment reaction and the subsequent translation of attached polyuridylic acid were defined: (1) polyuridylic acid–ribosome interaction at 37° requires only Mg2+ at an optimum concentration of 8mm; (2) K+ (required for translation) is a non-competitive inhibitor of the attachment reaction; (3) optimum polyphenylalanine synthesis directed by attached polyuridylic acid occurs at 5mm-Mg2+ concentration; (4) from kinetic studies single ribosomes appear to participate in the attachment reaction.