Use of Cortisone during Penicillin Treatment of Secondary Mucocutaneous Syphilis in a Hypersensitive Patient

T)REVIOUS studies1 , 2 have shown that the administration of cortisone to rabbits with untreated experimental syphilis suppresses the usual response of the host to the treponemes and permits the unrestrained proliferation of the micro-organisms in the lesions and blood stream. Apparently, the ability of cortisone to promote the spread of untreated syphilitic infection is comparable to that encountered after the administration of AGTH and cortisone in tuberculous and pneumococcal infections.3 4 5 6 7 8 Although reports on the effect of ACTH and cortisone in the late stages of human syphilis are available9 , 10 there is little information regarding the use of corticosteroids in the early infectious . . .