A method to determine the filter matrix in four‐dye fluorescence‐based DNA sequencing

In a previous paper (Yin et al., Electrophoresis 1996, 17, 1143–1150), an automated method for matrix determination in four‐dye fluorescence‐based DNA sequencing was presented. As a continuation of that work, we have developed an alternative method to estimate the matrix from raw sequence data. The method uses an iterative clustering technique to associate each 4 × 1 data vector with one column of the desired filter matrix, using Kullback's I‐divergence as a distance measure. The method requires less preprocessing of the data and less computation than the approach described by Yin et al. (Electrophoresis 1996, 17, 1143–1150). An example demonstrating applicability of the proposed method to Applied Biosystems sequencer data is given.