Direct sequencing of PCR-amplified junction fragments from tandemly repeated transgenes

When microinjected foreign genes integrate into the genomes of mice, multiple copies are frequently found clustered together at one location. How they concatamerize-by the integration of large linearized concatamers that are formed by simple end-to-end linkage, by circularization of individual DNA fragments and recombination, or by some other means-is not understood. In the transgenic animals studied thus far by ourselves and others, integration frequency and transgene copy number do not seem to be significantly influenced by the complementarity of the ends of the DNA fragments that have been microinjected. We have utilized PCR amplification and DNA sequence analysis to study selected transgene junctions at the nucleotide level. In two transgenic mice carrying the synthetic RSVcat gene (injected with noncomplementary overhangs on the fragment ends), ends were "nibbled" from 1 to 62 bases before being joined to an adjacent gene copy. Repeated dinucleotides, providing the most minimal of homologies, are present in half of the characterized junctions. Determination of the relative copy number of the junctions in each mouse supports the idea that transgene complexes can undergo additional rearrangements after the initial formation event.