Transfer of continuous-relief diffractive structures into diamond by use of inductively coupled plasma dry etching

The transfer of continuous-relief diffractive structures from resist into diamond by use of direct-write electron-beam lithography followed by dry etching in an inductively coupled plasma is demonstrated. The gases used for the diamond etching are O2 and Ar. The chemical-vapor-deposited diamond substrate is of optical quality. Our results show that the transfer process generates fairly smooth etched structures. Blazed gratings with periods of 45 μm and Fresnel lenses have been manufactured. The blazed gratings have been optically evaluated with a femtosecond laser operating at 400 nm. The diffraction efficiency was 68% in the first order, with a theoretical value of 100%. We intend to investigate the transfer process further and then to fabricate diffractive and refractive elements for use with Nd:YAG high-power lasers.