Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma: Management of intracranial extension

Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma (JNA) is a histologically benign, locally invasive tumor of the nasopharynx that is found primarily in the pubescent male. While most authors recommend surgical excision for smaller, localized extracranial tumors, opinion varies on the management of more aggressive tumors with intracranial extension. The authors present their experience over the past 15 years with 15 cases of JNA with intracranial extension, and formulate a plan of management. A combined otolaryngologic/neurosurgical approach is recommended in order to assess the extent of the tumor and to isolate feeding vessels. Lateral extension into the middle cranial fossae should be resected in continuity with the nasopharyngeal component, which is approached from below in a separate operative field. Medial extensions are transected, verified angiographically three months after surgery, and irradiated. The results of therapy are presented, and a case of dural penetration by JNA is described.